Since its inception, the national CMA has maintained a very strong commitment to "upholding the principles of the Faith and advancing the profession of medicine."
Our local mission is based on a personalized approach to spirituality, bioethics and discipleship. Please know that we are truly here to serve each of our area Catholic doctors and health care professionals. We hope you will join us during this very exciting time!
“Love the truth, appear as you are, and without affectation and without fear and without human respect. Even if the truth costs you persecution, accept it; and if it means anguish, endure it. And if for the sake of truth you should have to sacrifice yourself and your life, then be strong in your sacrifice."
--St. Joseph Moscati, penned as a note to himself
This monthly initiative addresses the formation needs of area Catholic health care professionals by providing opportunity for Mass, Reconciliation, fellowship, and 30 - 45 minutes for presentation/discussion of a pre-selected topic.
See the First Saturday schedule here.
Premed students, Med students, and Resident physicians are welcome free of charge! Spouses and children are encouraged to attend and are included as part of the registration fee.
Annual Cost:
Over 90 years of tradition
Formation for Health Care Professionals!
Spreading faith and love.
O Saints Cosmas and Damian, we honor and venerate you with all the humility and interior affection of our hearts. We invoke you, glorious martyrs of Jesus Christ who, during life, exercised the art of healing with admirable charity and sacrifice, curing the incurable and ministering to those with dangerous illnesses, not so much with the aid of medicine and skill, but by the invocation of the all-powerful Name of Jesus Christ.
Now that you are more powerful in heaven, graciously bestow your merciful glance upon us miserable and afflicted souls; and, at the sight of the many ills which oppress us, the many spiritual and corporal diseases that surround us, hasten your help. Assist us, we pray, in every distress. We do not ask for ourselves only, but for all our patients, relatives, families, friends, and enemies, so that, restored to health of soul and body, we can give glory to God, and give honor to you, our saintly protectors.